Working in Heat

The body’s heat-regulating mechanisms work very well. However, illness occurs when the body is exposed to more heat energy than it can handle. When the body gains or retains more heat than it loses, the result is hyperthermia or high core temperature, which can damage the brain and other vital organs and could be fatal. 

Below is important information on how to prevent hyperthermia on set.

Factors that Increase Chances of Heat Illness

  • Elevated air temperatures and humidity 
  • Working around hot machinery
  • Vigorous work activity
  • Absence of a breeze or wind
  • Exposure to direct sunlight

General Precautions for Hot Environments

  • Provide overhead sun protection, water, and/or fluid supply for your cast and crew. Water should be provided at all times on the set.
  • Eight ounces (250 ml approx) of fluid replacement every 15 minutes is recommended; the body can lose 1 to 2 quarts (1-2 liters approx) of fluid per hour during vigorous activity in a hot environment
  • Alternate between water and sports drinks with electrolytes—not sodas or sweetened drinks
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine
  • If possible, get acclimated; this can take several days 
  • Use sunscreen or sunblock 
  • Wear loose, long-sleeved shirts and (preferably) long pants 
  • Wear a wide brimmed hat; baseball caps do not provide protection for the ears and neck 
  • Wear sunglasses

Ultimately, when shooting outside, it is recommended that you supply plentiful water and/or fluid supply as well as overhead sun protection wherever possible to your cast and crew.

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