Film Permits and Location Agreements

Location Agreements

Having a legal and approved location agreement is important for student productions. Students should inspect and photograph all locations to document everything that may be wrong or already broken before they sign a location agreement. agreement. This will help protect the student from any issues that could arise from access to the space or usage of the space. Location agreements are available on 2 Pop here:

Location Contract:


Similar to having your SAG paperwork in early, pulling permits can take a long time and should be handled during pre-production, ideally two weeks before and no less than one week before production. This should be handled by the producer/production manager. A permit is required for filming in most Southern California communities.

Los Angeles Film Permits (FILM LA, Inc)

  • For detailed information on how to obtain film permits for Los Angeles Area locations, go to the Film LA website:
  • Film LA requires that you make your application (bring an ID) at least 72 hours (3 work days) before you are to begin filming. However, you must call them for a pre-consultation first. Once they have processed your application, you will have to return to their offices on Sunset to pay the fees (usually $25) and pick up the permit.

Filming on State Property

If you want to shoot on California State Property such as a state park, state historic site or state beaches, you will have to contact the California Film Commission to obtain a permit. They are located at 7080 Hollywood Boulevard Suite 900 Hollywood, CA 90028, (323) 860-2960, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

They do not charge any application or permit fees. However, you will be required to pay the wages of any State Employees required on your set.

Additionally, if you want to film past the normal operating hours for a facility, you must pay the employees for their extra time on the job. The CFC accepts checks for the payment of services. 

The state permit office requires at least three days (72 hours) to process permit requests.

The State requires $500,000 dollars liability insurance for hired and non-owned vehicles. CalArts does provide automobile insurance but student must see Production Services for access. A DMV record and copy of driver’s license is necessary. The approval for auto insurance may take a couple of days, so do not wait until the last minute!


There are many parks in the greater LA area and they fall under several different jurisdictions. For information, contact:

City of Los Angeles
LA City Park Office
Griffith Park
(213) 644-6220

The City Parks office has been extremely helpful to students. Call them one or two weeks before your shoot for information. They generally waive fees. However, if your shoot requires the presence of a ranger, night shoots, generator, restricted areas, or more than 19 people, you will be required to pay the Ranger’s wage. 

Los Angeles County Parks are handled by Film LA.

California State Parks are handled by the California Film Commission. 

National Parks have several offices:

Angeles National Forest

(626) 574-5271

Santa Monica National Park

(818) 597-9192

National Park Service

600 Harrison Street Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107

(415) 744-3876

More information about the National Forest permits can be found at 

If you want to film in a park located in a city or area other than those listed above contact the permit office of the city in which the park is located.


Most beaches are handled by Film LA or The California Film Commission. A lifeguard is required for large-scale productions and for any shoots during which people will be in the water. Film LA or the California Film Commission will help you coordinate with the Department of Beaches and Harbors.

Filming in Santa Clarita

City of Santa Clarita
Student Filming
(661) 284-1425

In the past, students used to pay for certain types of monitors on city property. Production Services has worked out a pilot program with the Santa Clarita Permit Office that waives these fees.

This site also offers a wonderful resource location library found here:

Filming/Scouting in Areas Outside LA

After you have scouted your location, you will have to determine which city or county government agency issues permits for that area. Every office will be slightly different and have their own rules about fees, fire marshals, etc.

Almost every city, county or state has a film permit office. The easiest way to find the right film office is to search the web. Not all cities require students to get permits. If a student is shooting in a community that does not issue filming permits, they should get an email or a memo that documents this for the School of Film/Video and Production Services. 

The California Film Commission also offers a scouting service called Cinemascout: This scouting service is also first rate and can help student productions find locations online and speed up pre-production.

Trouble Spots

We are strongly recommending that students not film in the following cities due to the inordinate hassle, cost and delay: Alhambra, Burbank, Culver City, Glendale, Hawthorne, Vernon, Big Bear, Santa Monica, El Segundo, Pacific Palisades, San Francisco, & Covina.

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