
Once your sound mix and final picture are finished, you are ready for a layback. The layback is the final step in the post-production process wherein the final sound mix is synced with the final picture, the 5.1 audio channels are assigned, and final exports are created. 

Deliver your final color-corrected video output without audio to E104 Helpdesk/FVSound. Your video must be a master final export — at least Apple ProRes 422 HQ codec, up to ProRes 4444 XQ — with titles, standard head leader, final color correction, and must be silent (the sound files are separately supplied from the mix session). Either drop off your file in person with a Student Technician in E104 Sound Transfer / Helpdesk during Helpdesk hours or upload your file to the Submissions > Laybacks folder on FVCentral. 

Once the layback process is complete, FVSound will provide you with a folder containing all the necessary files for: full-quality file-based exhibition (ProRes MOV with 5.1 mix), internet streaming (H.264 MP4 with Internet Only mix), archival master (ProRes MOV encoded with 5.1, LtRt, and Internet Only mixes), and a Davinci Resolve project archive from which to create your own custom output files. 

There is no fee for laybacks, but you cannot pick up your layback until you have paid for your sound mix. Note that any changes to picture or sound after the layback will require a new layback.

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