How to Set Up a DaVinci Resolve Library
Unlike other editing software, in DaVinci Resolve, project files are kept in a Project Library. There is no project file you can click to launch Resolve, you must launch the application and load your library (if not automatically connected).
This article will go over how to set up a new library, how to connect to an existing library, how to create new projects and how to set the correct path to your media storage.
Even though DaVinci Resolve is free, it is not necessarily an easy program to set up and get started with. This is usually one of the main learning curves, so please follow this article closely.
Project Library Location
If you know you will be working across multiple computers/workstations, it is recommended that you set up a DaVinci Resolve Library on an external hard drive.
Location of Project Library on an external hard drive
It is recommended that on your hard drive you create either;
- A new library for each of your projects, keeping them in individual project folders; or
- A Resolve folder (recommended on the root level – not in any sub-folders) which contains one main library that includes all your Resolve projects. This is the preferred method.
However you decide, it is crucial for you to know where your files are stored, as you might want to open them on another computer, or move, copy, or transfer them to another drive.
If you do not have an external hard drive:
On the Digital Editing & Post computers, Resolve will store your files in a default library, located on the Scratch drive of the computer you are currently working on. Note that everyone will be able to access these files, and that it takes a few extra steps to transfer and reconnect your project later. This option is not recommended and serves as a temporary solution.
Setting Up a New Library
(when working off your external hard drive)
1. Open DaVinci Resolve.
Resolve will then launch.
2. The Project Manager opens. If there have been any other libraries previously created on this computer, they would be listed and accessible here.
- If you’d like to connect to a library that already exists, skip to the “Connecting to an Existing Library” section of this article.
3. Toggle the sidebar open, and click on Add Project Library in the bottom left corner of the window.
This will open the Add Project Library window.
4. To create a library, make a Project Library name that is easy to remember, e.g. name_resolve
5. Click Browse to select a storage location on your external hard drive.
6. Then click Create.
7. Now the new library that you’ve created will appear on the list of libraries in the left panel.
8. Make sure the new library you’ve created is selected. Now, in the Project Manager panel, you’ll see a new, untitled project that you have just created.
- If, at a later point, you have multiple projects created in the same library, they will all show up here.
9. You can rename your project by right clicking and selecting Save As….
10. Double click on the new project you’ve just renamed and the DaVinci Resolve interface will open.
11. Save your file.
Top menu > File > Save Project
Connecting to an Existing Library
1. Make sure your external hard drive that stores your Project Library and all associated media files is connected.
2. Open DaVinci Resolve.
3. Similarly to when you initially created a Project library, toggle the sidebar open, and click on Add Project Library in the bottom left corner of the window.
4. Click Connect on the top right of the pop up window.
5. Type in the name of your Project Library, the same name as when you created it.
6. Click Browse to find where you have previously stored your project library.
7. Then click Connect.
8. Now the library that you’ve reconnected to will appear in the left panel.
9. Back in the Library Manager, make sure to select the Library you have just reconnected to open the Project Manager.
10. A new Untitled Project is created along with the already existing projects in your Library. Right click and Save As to rename your new file, or double click on another one to continue working, as explained previously.
Setting The Path for Media Storage
After creating a new Project Library, or reconnecting to an old one, always follow the steps below in order to set the path for media storage.
1. In the top menu select DaVinci Resolve -> Preferences…
2. To remove the old path: Select Media Storage on the left side menu and delete any path that might show up in the list of scratch disks by double clicking it and clicking the Remove button.
3. Create a new path: Click the Add button and navigate to your Project Library folder which contains your Resolve Projects. Then click Open.
4. Make sure to double click on the path you just set and click save on the bottom right. A message will confirm that you have just updated your preferences.
5. Now make sure to save your project, quit Resolve and restart it
- Once Resolve restarts, your media path changes will take effect
Important note
If you keep working on the same computer, from the same drive, (such as your home computer) you will only have to do this process once. Every time you change machine or drive, you will have to reconnect to your library and set a new path for your media storage again to make sure to know where your files will be stored.