Bijou Festival
What is the Bijou Festival?
The Bijou Festival is the School of Film/Video’s end-of-year film festival that screens any and all work submitted and made by Film/Video students during the academic school year. During this week of film screenings in the Bijou Theater, there are also parties and events to celebrate works made by the community throughout the year. The Bijou Festival takes place during the last week of the semester, May 12-16, in place of regular classes in the School of Film/Video.
There is traditionally a School of Film/Video party held the Wednesday evening of Bijou week, and often events and installations in other School of Film/Video spaces.

Open Screenings
Faculty, staff, and students will host several open screenings throughout the week, consisting of work submitted directly by students. All films are welcome to be screened, including finished works, works in progress, animatics, and experiments. The only limitation is that the film must have been made during the 2024-2025 school year. Otherwise, the festival staff will make every effort to screen every film submitted.
Class Screenings
In addition to open screenings, some time slots will be reserved for class screenings, showing work made as part of a class from Fall 2024 and Spring 2025. Class screenings are coordinated by the faculty teaching that class.