Setting Up a New After Effects Composition

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Composition Settings

To properly set up an After Effects Composition with the correct settings, create a New Composition, and choose HD • 1920×1080 • 24 fps from the Preset menu. If this preset does not exist, match the settings shown below.

Be sure to name your Composition, so that you can keep track of it.

Your final settings must be: 1920 x 1080, square pixels, 24 fps.If your film was designed using a different aspect ratio, you must still export it so it fits within a 1920 x 1080 composition. See HD Aspect Ratios for more information.

Exporting Video

When you’re ready to export a movie, go to Composition > Add To Render Queue in the After Effects Menus.

Render Settings

In the Render Queue window, click on the settings name next to Render Settings. If you’re working on a Film/Video computer, the Render settings should automatically be set to FV Render – Best Quality

The Render Settings should match those in the screenshot below:

  • Quality: Best
  • Resolution: Full
  • Size: 1920 x 1080
  • Field Render: Off
  • Frame Rate: Use comp’s frame rate (should be 24)

Output Settings

In the Render Queue window, click on the settings name next to Output Module to change the settings. If you’re working on a Film/Video computer, the Output Module should automatically be set to FV Pro Res 422 (HQ) w/audio

In the Output Module window, select QuickTime as the Format.

In the Video Output section, click on Format Options… and choose Apple ProRes 422 HQ from the Video Codec menu. Click OK.

If exporting audio, select Audio Output On in the Output Module window.

Choose 48 kHz, 32-bit, Stereo (unless you’re working in Mono). Click on Format Options… and choose Uncompressed from the Audio Codec menu. Click OK.

Note: We do not recommend editing audio in After Effects. It’s suitable for testing sound sync or scratch audio, but Premiere Pro or ProTools should be used for audio editing and mixing.

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